A pastoral approach to suicide care.
LivingWorks Faith is designed for Christian clergy and lay leaders. It is a valuable resource for ministry in many contexts, including parishes, hospitals, the military, schools and the wider community.
Blending Scriptural wisdom and proven best practices, LivingWorks Faith is designed for those who want to learn to effectively comfort, intervene and minister around the issue of suicide in their congregations.
This self-paced, online program will enhance your ability to provide competent suicide care as part of your pastoral ministry. The training offers resources and guidance to:
LivingWorks Faith is a 5-6 hour online learning program you can complete in a single session or multiple sessions, at your own pace.
LivingWorks Faith is informed by the wisdom of Scripture, including theological perspectives, a Christian approach to life promotion, and a look at attitudes toward suicide through the ages.
Stories about suicide are openly and honestly shared. Safety resources are emphasised. You will be encouraged to build networks with others in your faith and wider communities.
LivingWorks Faith incorporates the foundational suicide prevention skills training program, LivingWorks Start.
LivingWorks Faith gives ministry leaders foundational skills to make their congregations and communities safer from suicide, creating a supportive environment where people feel comfortable both seeking and offering help.
In turn, this can provide a basis for training other people—such as ministry teams or congregation members—to help using LivingWorks’ community-based model where everyone is part of the solution.
LivingWorks Faith can be purchased through our secure learning portal and you can begin training right away.
Our team can work with you to help you find the best training solution. If you still have questions after reading the information on this page and frequently asked questions below, please contact us and one of our team will be in touch.
LivingWorks Faith gives Christian clergy and lay leaders the foundational skills to make their congregations and communities safer from suicide, creating a supportive environment where people feel comfortable both seeking and offering help. In turn, this can provide a basis for training other people—such as ministry teams or congregation members—to help using LivingWorks' community-based model where everyone is part of the solution.
LivingWorks Faith is $164.95 per enrolment. If you’d like to discuss multiple enrolments as part of your organisation or group, please get in touch via our contact form.
No, LivingWorks Faith is designed to be completed at your own pace. The training will save as you progress and you can leave and log back in to complete it at any time.
Yes, upon completion of the course you will receive a digital certificate that you can choose to save and keep electronically or print.
“I would invite executives of seminaries and denominations to make this a part of the training of your clergy because they are going to deal with it. And, if you leave them under prepared, you are not helping anybody.”
“We have hosted LivingWorks safeTALK and it’s been a way to equip our lay people as well as our staff. Equipping not only our congregation but equipping our ministry team has been really important when recognizing people may be expressing ideas of suicide.”
“When we are talking about suicide prevention, people need to have the confidence and practice asking if a person has thoughts of suicide, and so a skill base is very important. Faith really gives people the confidence.”
In LivingWorks safeTALK you will learn how to reach out to someone thinking about suicide and help them keep safe by promptly connecting them to further support. Your role as a connector is the main focus of this training, which features: