Training By Location

Become a LivingWorks Trainer

Empower others with the skills to help someone with thoughts of suicide to keep safe, access help and find hope.

LivingWorks Training for Trainers

Our LivingWorks Training for Trainers (T4T)  prepare people to become LivingWorks trainers and offer our face-to-face programs in their communities, workplaces, and beyond.

A LivingWorks T4T is a powerful, hands-on learning experience. Supported by expert LivingWorks coaches, youʼll learn to make a major impact and train many others to help keep people safer from suicide.

The Process to Becoming an ASIST LivingWorks Trainer

Step 1

Complete the LivingWorks Trainer Application form.

Note: A key prerequisite is that you must have experienced a 2-day LivingWorks ASIST workshop in the last 2 years.

Step 2

Complete a consultation with our Training Managers.

Step 3

Complete the 5-day LivingWorks ASIST Training for Trainers (T4T).

Step 4

Gain experience delivering 3-5 workshops as a Provisional Trainer, working with an experienced Trainer to develop your skills, within the next 12 months.

Step 5

Congratulations! You are now a Registered Trainer.

To maintain Registered Trainer status, you must continue to uphold the LivingWorks quality training standards and stay current by presenting a minimum number of workshops annually. 

LivingWorks is here to guide and support you throughout this process!

The Process to Becoming a safeTALK LivingWorks Trainer

Step 1

Complete the LivingWorks Trainer Application form.

Note: A key prerequisite is that you must have experienced a 2-day LivingWorks ASIST workshop in the last 2 years.

Step 2

Complete a consultation with our Training Managers.

Step 3

Complete the 2-day LivingWorks safeTALK Training for Trainers (T4T).

Step 4

Gain experience delivering 3-5 workshops as a Provisional Trainer, working with an experienced Trainer to develop your skills, within the next 12 months.

Step 5

Congratulations! You are now a Registered Trainer.

To maintain Registered Trainer status, you must continue to uphold the LivingWorks quality training standards and stay current by presenting a minimum number of workshops annually. 

LivingWorks is here to guide and support you throughout this process!

What Makes a Good Trainer?

LivingWorks trainers come from a wide variety of backgrounds and life experiences, and no single “type” is predisposed to success. However, good qualities include presentation and facilitation skills, patience, a willingness to talk about suicide, and an “always learning” mindset.

The Benefits of Becoming a Trainer

LivingWorks Trainers bring suicide alertness and suicide first-aid to millions of people every year by providing access to the knowledge and skills of suicide prevention and intervention. Studies have shown that, on average, workshop participants carry out at least one suicide intervention within the first six months after attending LivingWorks ASIST, and that some participants—depending on their role and exposure to those in need—carry out more than 20. By providing evidenced-based, effective suicide prevention and intervention skills to their communities, trainers directly contribute to creating suicide safer communities across the world. Becoming a registered trainer is a powerful investment in supporting, building, and renewing the wellness of your community and organization.

Training for Trainers

LivingWorks safeTALK T4T

This two-day course will prepare you to present the LivingWorks safeTALK workshop. You’ll begin by experiencing LivingWorks safeTALK during the first day, then you’ll learn how to bring the training to life.

LivingWorks ASIST T4T

This five-day course will prepare you to present the LivingWorks ASIST workshop. You’ll begin by experiencing LivingWorks ASIST during the first two days, then you’ll learn to present the different sections.

For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples who wish to become trainers of Indigenous ASIST, additional learning will be provided before and after this standard T4T.

Request Information about Training for Trainers

Please fill out the following form to receive information about becoming a LivingWorks trainer for LivingWorks safeTALK or LivingWorks ASIST.